About Dog & Cover

Welcome to our dog-loving corner of the internet! With over two decades of expertise in applied animal behavior, we've made it our mission to enhance the lives of our furry friends through the best toys and treats the canine world has to offer.

Our history.

Our journey began with a passion for understanding and improving the lives of our four-legged companions. Drawing on our extensive background in Applied Animal Behavior, we've curated a selection of toys and treats that not only entertain but also cater to the unique needs and preferences of dogs.

Extending our knowledge

At the heart of our commitment is the well-being of your pets. We've leveraged our years of experience to create a space where dog owners can find high-quality products that align with our deep understanding of correct and balanced nutrition. In fact, we've extended our dedication to canine health with our sister site, www.contentpetfood.com, where we proudly offer our own meticulously crafted pet food.

Whether you're seeking the perfect chew toy for a spirited pup or a treat that strikes the right balance between delicious and nutritious, our curated collection has got you covered. Welcome to a community that shares your love for dogs and is dedicated to enriching their lives with the very best.